joi, 28 martie 2013

Seminar "A Fresh Approach" 2013

Seminarul "A Fresh Approach", organizat de Mirunette International Education, a fost sustinut de un profesor englez cu experienta in teacher training, de la UIC London School, Marea Britanie. Foarte interesant si extrem de folositor!

Locatie: Colegiul National "Matei Basarab", Bucuresti
Data: 28 Martie 2013

luni, 25 martie 2013

Healthy Diet for Athletic Kids

Eating the right food can improve your physical and mental activity.

Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2013

Great news! The European Union has decided to start a country from scratch and you are the leader of this country. Of course, this is only pure imagination, but what if it were true? What if you could live in the Bran Castle, have dinner with Shakespeare while admiring the beautiful Greek sands from your bedroom window?Write an essay about a new European country you would build and imagine you are its leader. Give your country a name, and include three European icons/symbols you would take with you to this new land. What would they be and why would you choose them? (maximum 250 words)The icons/ symbols you may choose from could belong to any of these categories: famous people or places, food, fashion, science, literature, art, traditions or music.Let your imagination run free and win a two-week summer camp in England!
Ne-am inscris urmatorii:

De la clasa a5a C: 
  1. Dinca Denisa
  2. Petrescu Stefan
  3. Iliescu Razvan
  4. Gheorghita Bogdan
  5. Suru Alexia
  6. Vasile Andrei
  7. Plesca Marius
De la clasa a 7a C:

  1. Badalau Laura
  2. Gheorghe Stefan
  3. Ionita Bogdan
  4. Constantin Raluca
  5. Rijnita Diana
Good luck!
Your Teacher

Song: Good Morning! - Preparatory A

Date: 12th of March, 2013
Song: Good Morning! (Happy Hearts 2)
Form: Preparatory A

Olimpiada Creativitatii - faza pe scoala, 2013

Felicitari elevului HORUMBA DRAGOS STEFAN(clasa 8C), pentru rezultatele foarte bune obtinute la Olimpiada Creativitatii - faza pe scoala.
Punctajul obtinut: 80,05.
Mult succes la faza pe sector din data de 30 Martie 2013!

Teacher Andra Molesag

Craftwork: Bunny Ears

Activity: Bunny Ears
Form: 1st D
Date: 25th of March, 2013

Cambridge International Day Conference

Location: George Cosbuc College, Bucharest
Date: 2nd of March, 2013

Video Lesson: Preparatory A

Activity: Happy Hearts 2
Form: Preparatory A
Date: 12th of February, 2013

Cerc pedagogic - Noiembrie 2012, sector 5

Locatie: Scoala Gimnaziala "Grigore Tocilescu", sector 5
Data: 29 Noiembrie 2012

Ordinea de zi a cuprins urmatoarele teme:
- diseminare grant Comenius cu tema “Creative Activities & Motivating Materials for the Secondary Classroom”, dna profesor Gabriela Mitranescu
- workshop “The Know-How of Developing Life Skills During the English Class”

Cerc pedagogic-Noiembrie, sector 6

Cerc pedagogic, sector 6 
Tema: The Town of Halloween
Locatie: Scoala Gimnaziala nr 153
Data: 01 Noiembrie 2012

Ouiz: Find Someone Who...

Your name   ___________________________
Find someone in the class that:
Has a birthday in December   __________________________
Likes pizza   __________________________
Was born outside this country   ________________________
Likes listening to rock music   _________________________
Wants to go to university   ___________________________
Has a sister   __________________________
Doesn’t like tomato   __________________________
Plays basketball   __________________________
Has a PS3   __________________________
Loves English!   __________________________
Total   _____  / 10

Lesson 1: Modal Verbs

Song "Hello, Hello!" - Preparatory A

Song: Hello, Hello! (Happy Hearts 2)
Form: Preparatory A
Date: 12th of February, 2013

Prepositions of Place


Activity: What's the Weather Like Today?
Form: 5th C
Date: 22nd of January, 2013

My Favourite Animal

Activity: My Favourite Animal
Form: 3rd D
Date: 22nd of January, 2013

Halloween Drawing Exhibition

Date: 31st of October, 2012

Halloween Party Ideas

Halloween Party Ideas
Form: 4th D
Date: 31st of October, 2012


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